How to Upload a Folder on My Cloud

Deject storage isn't but for your own personal files. You tin use it to easily share files without whatsoever hassle. Share files back-and-along with your friends and colleagues, or brand them available to the entire Internet.

Shared files can automatically sync to each person'southward computer, or yous can access them via the web or mobile app. It's a more convenient way to share files than emailing them dorsum and forth.


To quickly share an individual file with someone, correct-click the file in your Dropbox binder and select Share Link. You can also right-click the file in the Dropbox web interface and select Share Link, too.

Dropbox will copy a public link to the file to your clipboard. Send the link to someone — or post it online for all to come across — and people volition exist able to access and download your file. Anyone with the link volition take admission to your file, so it'south non the most secure way to share — just it is the easiest, fastest way.

Dropbox tin can as well share folders with specific people. To exercise this, either right-click a binder in your Dropbox binder on your desktop and select Share this folder, or right-click the folder in Dropbox on the web and select Invite to folder.

Y'all'll exist taken to the Dropbox website, where yous can add the electronic mail addresses of specific people yous want to share the folder with. They'll need a Dropbox account to access the folder. One time they've accepted, the folder will announced in every person's Dropbox account and anyone can copy files to and remove file-south from the folder. It's a great way to ensure you and a friend or colleague all have the same files. The files and any changes or removals will sync to each person'due south PC automatically, just like whatever other Dropbox folder.

Dropbox only allows y'all to employ "view-only" sharing if yous have a paid Dropbox Pro or Dropbox for Business business relationship. Otherwise, anyone you share the binder with tin can edit it, adding new files to it, removing files from it, and modifying existing files.

Google Drive

Google Drive has like features. To modify sharing settings in Google Drive, correct-click and file or folder in your Google Drive folder, indicate to the Google Bulldoze submenu, and select Share. You can as well right-click a file or folder in Google Drive on the spider web and select Share. This will bring upward the exact same dialog you'd encounter on the web.

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The dialog gives you a link to share the file and options for who tin access the file. By default, the file is private and only y'all can view it.

If you want to make the file public so anyone with the link can access it, click the Change link next to individual and ready the files' share settings to "Anyone with the link." You can also ready it to "Public on the web" — if you do this, Google will index the file and it may show upward in web search results.

To share the file with specific people, add their email addresses at the bottom. They'll receive an invitation to access the file. You tin fix sharing settings to choose who can edit or simply view the file — unlike in Dropbox, which requires a paid account to do this. If you share Google Docs files in this way, yous and other people tin can edit them in existent-fourth dimension.

To sync shared folders and files to your computer, you have to visit the "Incoming" department in Google Drive on the spider web and so drag files and folders from "Incoming" to "My Bulldoze." They'll and so sync to your computer, and whatever changes y'all make will sync dorsum.

Microsoft OneDrive

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For some reason, OneDrive doesn't include built-in sharing options in Windows 8.i's File Explorer. You could utilise the OneDrive "Store app" to change these settings, but you'd probably adopt to employ the website on your desktop. Windows 8.i's OneDrive integration likewise doesn't offering a style to sync folders and files shared with you lot to the desktop. Yous'll have to access them in the web browser. OneDrive does offering all the same sharing settings every bit Dropbox and Google Bulldoze, but you lot'll need to utilise your browser — you may want to use Dropbox or Google Drive if Windows desktop integration is important to you.

To get started sharing a file or folder in OneDrive on Windows 8.1, right-click the file or folder, point to Share To, and select OneDrive. This volition take y'all straight to the file or binder on the OneDrive website. You could also but open the OneDrive website in your browser and locate the file or folder there.

Click the Share button on the website to share the file or folder. You tin use the "Invite people" options to invite specific people past their electronic mail addresses and cull whether they can view or edit the file. You can also choose whether they need to log in with a Microsoft business relationship or not.

The "Get a link" options let you to create a link to the file or binder, and anyone with the link can admission it. You tin can choose what people with the link can practice to the file — whether they can merely view it or edit information technology as well. You lot tin can also make the file available publically — information technology will show up in search engines even if people don't know the link.

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To access files and binder shared with you, you lot have to head to the OneDrive website or mobile app and await in the Shared section. Files and folders shared with you won't exist synced to your desktop, so you lot'll need to apply your browser to download such files and upload files to shared folders. Every bit with Google Bulldoze, Office Online likewise allows you to edit documents with other people in real-fourth dimension.

If you use some other service — or ane of these clients on some other platform, similar Mac OS X or Linux — the procedure should be very similar. Quick and easy file sharing is one of the large benefits to storing your files "in the cloud" — in other words, on a visitor'south servers.


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