Why Does Hamburger Meat Taste Funny
- george benjamin [OP]
- Deal Addict
- Nov 13, 2006
- 1828 posts
When meat smells/taste weird
I just fried some ground beef so i can make my pasta sauce.
The meat smelled really nasty, and the taste wasnt the same. I tasted it before and after i put it into the sauce.
My question is, does meat from different stores taste differently, or does all meat taste the same?
I have heard many people not go to so and so butcher because their meat doesn't smell/taste right.
I am here sitting with a nasty pot of pasta sauce which i will be throwing away.
- #2
- Pete_Coach
- Deal Expert
- May 10, 2005
- 36268 posts
- Ottawa
A good rule of thumb is that if it smells bad, it is not something you should eat. The nose is the first indicator of bad food.
- #3
- rogerrabbit168
- Deal Addict
- Feb 25, 2007
- 2966 posts
Pete_Coach wrote: ↑A good rule of thumb is that if it smells bad, it is not something you should eat. The nose is the first indicator of bad food.
totally agree
- #4
- Asagiri
- Sr. Member
- Nov 4, 2006
- 780 posts
I know of "certain" unscrupulous butcher shops who would go so far as to take a rotting piece of meat that's completely black and green and throw it into the grinder to make ground meat. Even though it may look good, if it smells bad and taste weird, than I wouldn't risk it tbh. Throwing away a few dollars of ground meat and pasta is better than getting food poisoning.
- #5
- george benjamin [OP]
- Deal Addict
- Nov 13, 2006
- 1828 posts
Asagiri wrote: ↑I know of "certain" unscrupulous butcher shops who would go so far as to take a rotting piece of meat that's completely black and green and throw it into the grinder to make ground meat. Even though it may look good, if it smells bad and taste weird, than I wouldn't risk it tbh. Throwing away a few dollars of ground meat and pasta is better than getting food poisoning.
It was fresh packaged ground beef bought from Food Basics.
My concern wasn't about it being rotten.
I was wondering if meats from different butchers/vendors taste different.
- #6
- george benjamin [OP]
- Deal Addict
- Nov 13, 2006
- 1828 posts
The taste is so disgusting, it's going to be in my stomach/mouth the entire day. Every time i burp it's there.
- #7
- Hollasa
- Jr. Member
- Nov 24, 2004
- 133 posts
- Prince George, BC
In answer to your question, meat might taste a bit different, depending on how the animal was fed.
However, if it smells nasty, don't cook with it - "when in doubt, throw it out".
- #8
- Pete_Coach
- Deal Expert
- May 10, 2005
- 36268 posts
- Ottawa
It depends what the butcher puts into the grinder. There are certain cuts of meat that have a specific taste. Some cuts taste a bit like liver and that can permeate the entire batch. Or, the butcher throws in all sorts of scraps and a few innards get mixed in, that will give a strange aftertaste as well.
- #9
- Skully
- Member
- Feb 17, 2008
- 285 posts
- Toronto
If You get any strange odour from meat or any food at all, throw it out, not worth the problems You can have later. Ground beef is 1 of the worst things to buy anyways along with sausage if You dont know the butcher/store, its like a "dumping ground" for undesirable pieces of meat, get rid of it.
- #10
- cluless
- Deal Addict
- Sep 7, 2005
- 2690 posts
- Toronto
Dont just throw your meat out just because it smells a little off -- you can always cut out the bad pieces or the top layer, if it's too deep then throw it out. If it's just an odour problem, smell it before and after running it under some cold water to see if it still smells the same. If the water has done it's job fry it up -- if still smells odd or tastes a little weird after frying it up, throw it out.
This rule also follows suit for other meats as well (i.e. chicken, lamb, pork etc.).
I'm sure some of the other cooks/chefs can agree with me on this.
- #11
- IronMac
- Deal Addict
- Apr 19, 2005
- 3243 posts
- Toronto
cluless wrote: ↑I'm sure some of the other cooks/chefs can agree with me on this.
I don't; ever had food poisoning? I ended up almost naked (I was changing at the time) lying on the floor for several hours with no inclination/ability to move after eating hot dogs that were a bit "off".
- #12
- moebius
- Deal Addict
- Jun 30, 2003
- 3706 posts
Yeah, don't eat it if you smell something. Also, who knows what stuff they put into ground beef: Food Basics or not. I buy ground meat and sausages from a very few places: Butcher by Nature being one of them. It's not only the poisoning problem - it's also about taste and what cut they use to grind the meat up. I am thinking of buying a meat grinder - that way you can grind the best pieces of beef - saw one of those manual cast iron ones for about $50 at Chinese stores:
[IMG]http://www.vermontcountrystore.com/imag ... 461_dt.jpg[/IMG]
http://www.vermontcountrystore.com/jump ... d=inceptor
Anyone have this type of meat grinder and what are the experiences?
- #13
- Keelie
- Deal Fanatic
- Oct 26, 2002
- 6415 posts
- BC
if it smells bad, thats as far as it goes, period.
That's my 2cents worth
- #14
- Kai Viti
- Sr. Member
- Dec 2, 2004
- 927 posts
george benjamin wrote: ↑It was fresh packaged ground beef bought from Food Basics.
My concern wasn't about it being rotten.
I was wondering if meats from different butchers/vendors taste different.
I think it depends on on how much fat there is in the ground beef. Beef fat has a strong smell when cooking. Once you cook it well & get rid of the fat, most of that 'beef' smell is gone.
- #15
- Ma_Jie
- Deal Addict
- Mar 11, 2005
- 1593 posts
If it smells off, it goes in the bin. The risk is not worth it.
- #16
- LiquidReach
- Member
- Jul 24, 2001
- 224 posts
- Surrey
An interesting discussion.
I have to admit that I generally don't like the smell of ground beef frying. That said there are 2 places I'll buy ground beef from.
1 My first choice (and the only place i go now) is organic lean or extra lean ground beef from Choices Market. It doesn't have a repulsive oder when fried and tastes MUCH better then the beef from the average grocery store (and it costs 0-20% more then reg priced non-organic).
2 Safe way actually has decent tasting extra lean ground beef. And it doesn't smell horrible when cooked.
On 2 occasions I bought ground beef from the Superstore and both times it smelled absolutely repulsive. I don't buy any fresh meats from the Superstore after these experiences.
Just as a note, if the RAW meat smells a little off, don't wash it, cook it and eat it. Food poisoning can require hospitalization and can be very serious. Its never worth the chance just to save a few bucks. Also, ground beef only has a 3 day shelf life. Just freeze it if you're not going to use it right away.
- #17
- gh05t
- Deal Fanatic
- Sep 16, 2004
- 9779 posts
- Toronto
yeah we don't know how long it's been on the shelf in the store or if they have the right temperatures etc.
A couple years ago 60mins on CBS showed a clip on supermarkets in the USA that were repackaging old meats and putting them back on the shelves. I read another article or maybe forum thread which suspected low priced supermarkets in Canada do the same.
Meat at Price Chopper looks gross regardless so I never buy meat there or any of the other low priced supermarkets.
I pay a little more and buy at A and P or Fortinos. At A nd P you can always see the guys in the white coats checking the meats regularly changing the expiry date stickers, placing coupons on older meats etc.
Even then sometimes no matter how fresh the meat is,it might still taste a little different depending on how it was fed etc according to the above poster.
I did buy ground beef from A and P once and left it below in the fridge cause I meant to use it the same day.
I ended up trying to use it 3 days after and once I emptied it I knew it was no good. It had a sour smell, had changed to a darker brownish green color on some parts while the outer parts remained looking pink. It was in the garbage no questions asked as I am not willing to go through food poisoning for $2.
I usually clean and season my meats immediately after getting home and then I package them in glad bags and freeze what I'm not using immediately.
If I am not going to use the meat immediately and have no time to chop,clean season immediately then it goes into the freezer immediately.
- #18
- LiquidReach
- Member
- Jul 24, 2001
- 224 posts
- Surrey
gh05t wrote: ↑ I ended up trying to use it 3 days after and once I emptied it I knew it was no good. It had a sour smell, had changed to a darker brownish green color on some parts while the outer parts remained looking pink. It was in the garbage no questions asked as I am not willing to go through food poisoning for $2.
I've brought home meat from the store, all pink on the outside, but brown on the inside. Personally, I don't care what they say, thats not fresh meat and I won't eat it.
- #19
- Bookpreviews
- Deal Fanatic
- Feb 26, 2008
- 5135 posts
gh05t wrote: ↑yeah we don't know how long it's been on the shelf in the store or if they have the right temperatures etc.
A couple years ago 60mins on CBS showed a clip on supermarkets in the USA that were repackaging old meats and putting them back on the shelves. I read another article or maybe forum thread which suspected low priced supermarkets in Canada do the same.
Meat at Price Chopper looks gross regardless so I never buy meat there or any of the other low priced supermarkets.
I pay a little more and buy at A and P or Fortinos. At A nd P you can always see the guys in the white coats checking the meats regularly changing the expiry date stickers, placing coupons on older meats etc.
Even then sometimes no matter how fresh the meat is,it might still taste a little different depending on how it was fed etc according to the above poster.
I did buy ground beef from A and P once and left it below in the fridge cause I meant to use it the same day.
I ended up trying to use it 3 days after and once I emptied it I knew it was no good. It had a sour smell, had changed to a darker brownish green color on some parts while the outer parts remained looking pink. It was in the garbage no questions asked as I am not willing to go through food poisoning for $2.
I usually clean and season my meats immediately after getting home and then I package them in glad bags and freeze what I'm not using immediately.
If I am not going to use the meat immediately and have no time to chop,clean season immediately then it goes into the freezer immediately.
I've actually seen a AP store I used to shop at tamper with the dates on foods.
Not the meats though- but they had tubes of cookie dough and ereased the dates off them. It was cookie dough in some tubes and they scraped the dates off them as they were expired a few days before (I know this as I used to go to that store 3x a week and was there a few days before and almost bought some).
The same store also sells expired or soon to expire chocolate bars (from chocodirect also, lol -as they have their import stickers on the back and the dates partly covered).
I do not entirely trust AP.
I used to buy pita bread there and it would taste off and start to look green the next day or 2 later and that never happens with breads from other places.
I usually buy my meats from a local deli that uses no artificial ingredients or meats from a butcher shop that sells natural and organic meats.
Source: https://forums.redflagdeals.com/when-meat-smells-taste-weird-554925/
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