Italian Beef Recipe Using Chuck Roast

Maybe it's because I live sort of shut to Chicago, maybe it'southward because I can totally encounter myself as a little old Italian woman in another life. I'k not sure, merely I am going to tell you lot right now. I love Italian Beef, a whole lot! This recipe isn't so much about lightening it up. It's meat with flavor. You season it right, you portion information technology out, and you're gilt. I make this repast at least twice a calendar month considering it's then piece of cake, so delicious, and makes everyone in my home very, very happy.

I've been eating a version of this Italian Beef since I was youngin'! My mom was the same, at that place was always a pot of Italian beef on our carte at least in one case a month if not more and we e'er looked forward to it! The secret to making a actually expert pot of Italian beef is slowly cooking it for a very long period of time. I use the slow cooker because in my world, that is the easiest way to slow cook something without worrying about it on the stove. I put this in the tedious cooker before I get to bed the evening before having it for dinner the next twenty-four hour period. Doing this ensures the about tender and flavorful beef on this side of the Mississippi… I promise.

It's always funny to me that Italian Beef isn't a thing everywhere. Some people take never tasted a good ol' Italian Beef sandwich and to me that's blasphemy! I shared a photo of a pot full not besides long ago on an Instagram mail and some friends were calling information technology Mississippi Pot Roast. Friends, this is non Mississippi Pot Roast! I've actually never tried that recipe, but I know it calls for a stick of butter and ranch dressing mix. It sounds pretty succulent, but I know there's no way information technology tastes like a delicious pot of Italian Beef, but you know what, maybe it's the Italian Beef of the South! I can jump on board with that idea. I honestly couldn't believe that I haven't shared this with you even so, mostly because it is such a staple meal in our dwelling house. I hope y'all honey it and then much!

Another reason I love this pot o' beef is because it can exist so versatile. I use it in a number of different ways over a couple of days throughout the week, even though sandwiches are our personal favorite. Sometimes, when I am trying to eat a little less carbs I catch a bowl, identify some beef inside and top with a generous helping of mozzarella cheese. Honestly, I've only tried doing a depression carb diet a few times, only when I did this recipe was ever, e'er on the carte du jour when I tried to exercise the whole depression carb thing.

Oh! Don't forget the pepperoncinis! Mmmm mmm, goodness it'south good. Another manner I savour this is on acme of a bed of rice or mashed potatoes! It's delicious and I'm and then glad I've perfected it because I believe anybody should have a really good Italian Beef recipe in their arsenal. At present if yous don't have one, here yous become! My gift to you. Enjoy!

In only a few quick minutes you'll…

Grab a beefiness chuck roast. Some people use bottom circular roast likewise. I personally like the chuck roast more!

Excuse the photo- odd, I know, but trim as much of the fat off that you can! I discover in that location's really but a few spots, and it'due south pretty easy to trim.

Place information technology in a slow cooker.

Sprinkle this stuff on top of the roast!

Then add a little salt, a little pepper, a few cloves of chopped garlic, a bayleaf, and some pepperoncinis!

Cascade in near three cups of low sodium beef goop. Don't mix it up, just put the cover on and forget about it. Literally, forget most it for at to the lowest degree 16 hours. I've honestly left it in there for near 24 hours before and information technology is only equally tender as tin can be.

Non super photogenic after 16 hours, but holy cow, have yous smelled your house? It tastes fifty-fifty ameliorate than the aroma. I promise.

Remove from the liquid and shred it with two forks! Resist the urge to try information technology, ha! I'm just kidding. I totally can't. Add together almost ane cup of the broth from the slow cooker and mix information technology in. The beef will soak it upwards and add together even more flavour.

And y'all're done! The ways to eat it are positively countless, Stuff it in a toasty curl with some mozzarella, scoop it on height of a mount of Homestyle White potato Cauli Mash, or just all by it's lonesome because it'southward really that delicious.

Fun Fact: When we go to society a Italian Beef somewhere y'all tin ask for it "Dipped" I personally don't do information technology this style, but my mama and Eric cannot have information technology any other way. And so, If you're making a sandwich become ahead and "dip it" in the goop in the crockpot and enjoy life to it's fullest.

mmmmmm.. mount of Italian Beef…

I'll acknowledge I took a few also many close ups of the sandwich I had for dinner the other dark, only ya guys just don't sympathize yet. It's so succulent. I can't expect for yous to discover out for yourselves. Let me know if yous similar it and I hope you enjoy!

With love from my kitchen to yours,


  • 3 lb boneless chuck roast trimmed of fatty
  • 1 1/2 tsp kosher salt
  • 1/ii tsp pepper
  • ane package Italian dressing seasoning mix
  • iii-4 cloves garlic minced
  • 1 bay leaf
  • ane loving cup pepperoncinis + extra for garnish optional, but recommended
  • 3 cups beef broth low sodium if bachelor
  • In a irksome cooker place chuck roast and top with kosher salt, pepper, Italian seasoning packet, minced garlic, bay leaf, and pepperoncinis. Pour beef broth over it. Encompass, set to depression, and melt for 16-20 hours.

Click here for WW Personal Points! (since the size of roast will vary I'm linking to the recipe builder per ounce of cooked beef chuck roast and not adding the other ingredients- this is the simplest way to practise this)

168 calories 11g fatty, 4.5g saturated fatty, 0g carbohydrates, 0g fiber, 0g saccharide, 16g protein (per iii ounces of cooked meat)


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